Trump — The World’s Greatest Danger

Tim Cook
6 min readNov 2, 2020


“Clearly, I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world. But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020.” -George Soros

I’m not sure those of you who vehemently oppose Trump really understand at all why most of the people who support him do. This is much, much bigger than a “mean orange man” and a “creepy old white man.” The reason Trump’s “meanness” (which, although real, is a fraction of what the media makes it out to be) doesn’t deter us is that, to us, outcomes are much more important than appearances. Many people have made statements similar to the above one from Soros. They see Trump as not only terrible for America, but terrible for the world. And this is why the entire weight of the world is pressing against him — they see him as the one thing standing between them and their agenda. I don’t blame them. We’ve been on a globalist trajectory since at least Bush Sr.

It’s interesting how the Bible warns of a coming time when all nations would rally together in unity. It’s not a positive thing. Remember the Tower of Babel? Yeah, NEVER a positive thing. The only place that kind of unity is a good thing is in relation to followers of Jesus or to people and God. If God isn’t in the mix and we try to unite in order to accomplish something, all we can do is create a monster.

So I have to admit I really scratch my head at the large numbers of Christians who are all about the globalist agenda. Yes, it’s couched in pleasant terms that are designed specifically to elicit a positive response and boost acceptance (“Hey, this will help people! It’s what’s best for the environment! It will right all of our past wrongs!”). But in the end, the world’s leaders uniting will be for one purpose — total world control. I know, pretty “Pinky and the Brain”ish.

And yes, I realize this gets eyerolls from most (if not all) Trump haters. And yes, I also realize there are total nutjobs who scream about the “Globalists.” It’s easy to dismiss those people. Not so wise to dismiss the meat of the message.

But why should Christians be so surprised that Globalism is the way of the future? It’s literally spelled out in the book! Why would we get onboard with something that is literally the epitome of “anti-Christ?” Are we so nearsighted that we’ve missed what this is all about?

“Observe the masses and do the opposite.”

That’s been a personal mantra for a long time now. It comes from my days in Amway, studying success and successful people. Maybe it was Zig Ziglar. Or Dale Carnegie. Or Robert Kiyosaki. Who knows. But it has rung true in my life. The point is that you watch what “most people” do, and figure that the right path must be in the opposite direction.

“Wide is the path…”

And the world is certainly on it. The US has stood alone as the one nation willing to buck the narrative and do its own thing. Sort of. At least that was the original intent. But somewhere we got way off track.

And then Donald Trump.

Wow, what a crazy roller coaster ride. My wife and I laughed so hard when he announced his candidacy. Then we sort of chuckled at the silliness of him entering the race. Then we stopped and stared as he kept gaining momentum. Then our jaws hit the floor as he became the nominee.

My wife was ready to vote for him way before I was. I’m pretty sure the week before the election I was still determined to simply not vote, or to write in Ted Cruz. Instead, I realized that Hillary’s agenda HAD to be stopped. I had no clue what Trump would do. He made big promises, but I certainly didn’t trust him one bit. But I knew exactly what Hillary would do, and I knew I had to do my part to ensure that could never happen.

So I held my nose and I voted for Trump.

Fast-forward four years.

Now we have concrete history that we can look back on. Trump has a record. And it has absolutely blown me away every step of the way. From keeping his promise to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (which many had promised but never delivered), to setting up opportunity zones, to criminal reform, to canceling the funding of abortions outside our borders, to pushing back against Obamacare, to prescription drug reform, to immigration reform, to creating the most prosperous economy we’ve seen in history (including record labor participation and record low unemployment for People of Color and women)… And on and on.

Do I wish we had a president who actually used his words to unite us as a nation? Yes. He falls seriously short there. And that’s a big deal. But in the end, I have to decide- what’s more important? “Being nice?” Or “Doing what’s best for the nation?”

The funny thing is, Biden is only mildly nicer than Trump, but the corruption is mind-boggling.


That’s what got Trump elected. No, not HIS corruption, as many will claim but can’t actually back up. The corruption in DC that has become business as usual. Corruption that has led to healthcare costs that are unimaginably oppressive and have made us dependent upon predatory insurance policies that drain more of our resources than pretty much anything else. Corruption that keeps people in government well past their “use by” date and fattens their bank accounts, enriching them at the expense of the masses. Corruption that is so deep and so wide that the American people put someone like Trump into office — simply because they believed he was the person who could finally do something about it.

And he has.

And yes, I know I just got another massive eye-roll, if you’ve even made it this far. This is where it’s astonishing the divide we have when it comes to accepting facts. I get if we disagree on what those facts mean, but to disagree on what IS fact? I guess it’s just a sign of the times we live in.

Truth has fallen in the streets.

Top government agencies, including the FBI, with the knowledge of the White House, literally spied on and conspired against Trump. It’s the stuff of crazy, far-fetched novels, so yes, I get that it’s hard to accept. But it’s fact. Most of the details have already come out, with the full report still pending. The House impeached him over a phone call, after they and the media lied about the details of the call. Just as Trump has argued, it’s been a full-on witch hunt. The media has been on a mission to destroy him ever since he announced his candidacy.

Is it because he’s the world’s greatest danger? Or because he’s the greatest threat to their agenda?

We are the one last thorn in their side — the only thing keeping them from seeing their plans come to pass. And now even our people are crying out for us to change — to stop being what we are — to relinquish our place of power on the world’s stage — to neglect the duty we have to be that shining light of freedom for the world.


What a word. Have we lost sight of it? I believe we still have the sacred duty to hold this beacon of freedom high. I believe we are a great nation — the greatest nation — because this has been our highest ideal. And even in our feeble and oftentimes misguided attempts to walk it out, we still have miraculously been able to offer the world something so rare — so absolutely precious — that it’s still worth fighting for. One day it will be lost, but while we have it, there is an ocean of us who will fight to preserve it, for the sake of the world.

Yes, the whole world. Not just some white corner of the world.

And so we will get up tomorrow morning. And we will vote. And we will do everything in our power to give President Trump four more years to keep freedom alive. And we will pray that another will rise up to carry on where he left off (albeit a little less obnoxiously…).

And I hope you’ll come along with us. Because hey, who doesn’t want to be known as “the world’s greatest danger?”



Tim Cook

Tim Cook lives in Columbia, SC, with his wife of 18 years and counting, and their 6 children. He loves music and all the hard conversations everyone avoids.